Laksh Jewellers runs this website. Words like "we," "us" and "our" are used to refer to Lorem Jewellers throughout the website. You accept our Terms of Service by using this website and its services. These terms apply to all users, including browsers, vendors, clients and content creators. Prior to using our site, please carefully read these terms, as they contain important information about your rights and obligations.
These Terms will also apply to any new tools or features that are introduced to the store. This page contains the most recent version of the Terms of Service. It is your obligation to review these Terms for any updates that may occur. Your agreement of any revisions is indicated by your continued use of the website.
Section 1. Terms of the Online Store
By accepting these terms of service you confirm that you are of legal age in your state or province and that you have given your name or trade name, purchased to use this website. You are not permitted to abuse any user name, passwords or sell our products for illegal means. Any violation of these terms will result in the immediate termination of your services. You are not permitted to transmit harmful code.
Section 2. General Conditions
We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone at any moment. You are aware that your data, with the exception of credit card information - right be sent over several locations in a non-encrypted manner. Without our expressed written consent, you are not permitted to duplicate or use any portion of the service. This agreement is binding and cannot be reversed even with our verbal assurance.
Section 3. Information Timeliness, Completeness and Accuracy
The information on our website is updated periodically. However, we are not responsible for any outdated or inaccurate information. We rely on various sources for information for making decisions. We are under no duty to update the content on our site and financial information might not be up to date. If a price drop or rise occurs stay diligent.
Section 4. Adjustments to the Service and Costs
Prices for services are subject to change at anytime. Without informing you or any other parties, we have the right to change or stop providing any portion of the service at any time.
Section 5. Goods and Services
We RESERVE Policy against to online products that are only available online (USE OF REFUND POLICY) except specially on all warranties not guaranteed directly on their lifetime limited warranties products. We maintain the right to refuse discounts to take orders depending and make improvements sales.
Section 6. Accuracy of Account and Billing Data
We have the right to tell our clients we provide no household and to reject any order.